Such a cruel game!

Day 2 of main event of GUKPT and although no playing involvement from me Im there helping S2C providing live update reports for the forum with special interest in my guest for the weekend Pete "Oranges" Smithson who had reached the last 60.As it got closer to the cash the play obviously slowed and became very intense.Despite a couple of previous low stacks putting their chips in which survived eventually it came down to my mate to push in button which received a very fast call so it was obvious the caller was strong and as I looked I just hoped that Pete wasnt on a push steal from position.
The guy turns over AQ and Pete slowly displays A K woooooooooo come on m8 one time Im thinking, knowing this even gets him right back into the competition.
The AQ guy will be crippled losing this and the raggy flop is even better. Turn makes it stronger again as possible flush discounts a Q to Petes same suited Ace giving the guy only 2 outs now. You know whats coming and boom there she is and it seems its always the fkn river like online. Picture shows Pete smiling but fk knows how after 2 days of slog against tough opposition its bubble and fk all to take home.Actually making the money would of been great but more so the last 18 of this competition would of been such an achievement for him. Best thing I can say is you held ya self well afterwards in such circumstances and should be very proud of that as well because I know many players would have found that so difficult to take in the circumstances it happened.Well played mate but such a fking cruel game at times this mad game of poker we play.
Exit can also been seen here:
Once again hats off to S2C whose live coverage of local players during the event for the forum was top drawer stuff.
Buffet News :)
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