Anyways thought Id do some travelling and I couldn't believe my eyes not only is Teamdobbs famous in Geordieland , but its now a worldwide phenomenon , here's just a few pics I took on my travels.

Mr Entertainment

Card Guard

The Champ Xencode

Can only Get Better



Vegas Dave

Jimmy Chipmunk

I will hopefully get some more pics of teamdobbs on my travels..
lol at me n Posh and obviously Chipmunk in pieces after his bubble yesterday
Class Col
Brilliant but who told Mag?
i didnt know jimmy , u were very ul again m8.
Quality. Love it.
I wasnt unlucky mate just every time me n DC go deep in a tourny i always have to fold to his reraise as he has me crushed like 100% of the time unfortunately i got all my money in first this time so there was no escape,i just played at circus and i got sucked out by the self styled most unlucky poker player on the planet hehe but am not unlucky swings and rooondabooots as they say in Ashington
Amazing pictures mate!
Any chance you can post a few at UK Sharks? I'm sure the members would appreciate them.
stu the website is
have fun m8.
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