Out of Retirement
Well hey ho people, thought it time for another post on the old dobbas blog so here goes.Firstly couple of big thanks you to a few people. After my last post after the £100 game at Aspers I was really and truely jacking in. I had never felt as low playing poker as I did then but, and its a big but, thanks to a stern word from my wife Dawn, a great msn chat with Jimmy Chipmunk and wise words as always from DC I was pursuaded to carry on playing. This also brought about a change in attitude from myself as I vowed to enjoy the nights I played poker, however good or bad the cards fall.

So since last blog I played 1st tue at Circus and finished 21st and really enjoyed all the tables I was on. then onto Sky Poker Open at Aspers and looking at the structure I knew early chips were needed to allow play later. I got my 5k stack up to 18k and was stuck around that figure until down to 4 tables when a mixture of good cards, good calls and good bluffs saw me stack up to 80k when average was 40k. Went a little card dead for an hour and a combination of this and the fact the 4 biggest stacks left in the tourney all come to my table and were the 4 players to my immeadiate right meant I could never get into a pot. Both the cash bubbles and final table bubble did not last long and so I made final table with 50k putting me in 7th highest stack. Did not even look at the money at this stage because was more impressed that all final tablists got a seat in Sky Grand Final at DTD in June worth £220. Anyways final was bit shovey managed to get chip lead with 5 left, made a couple of raises that I had to pass to all in shoves too and eventually finished 3rd after I raised the BB on the button to 65k and felt I had to call an all in shove as I had 115k left. My Q8 spades lost out to AJ diamonds but I was over the moon to finish 3rd, £770 better off and had thoroughly enjoyed the whole day which was full of banter, NPF humour and great people. The NPF made such an impression on the Sky people that even the great ' Tikay' joined the forum to post his thanks.

On to Monday and hyper excited cos at Cheltenham for 3 days and what a great time. I had loads of winners, great racing and great atmosphere. For a racing enthusiast its the best week of the year for sure and I recommend a visit for anyone who has never been before. Back home Friday and a big thanks to Kauto Star for winning the Gold Cup and finishing the week off for me fantastically.
On to Friday night and the 5th week of the NPF Friday league. DC was top and being gunned for and Mrs CG close on his heels. 65 runners was a big disappointment, but there is enough on this on the forum so will leave that subject alone on here. Double up early and play solid to final table and decide with 6 left to call an all for my last 36k after 4 limpers and 5th man shoves with blinds 3k 6k. Ive got 66 and put him on high Ace which is spot on as he flips AK. Pot is 110k which is over 3rd of chips in play and is a tourney winner for sure. Anyways survive to river but A comes and Im oot in 6th. Enjoyed the game again and am now definately playing to enjoy and its working.
Saturday night and staying in so decide to waste a tenner on the Sky Open on TV. 700 runners and stupidly fast structure but wow down to 9 and in with a shout till I shove with A 10 and get called by 10 10 and miss. £105 for 2 hours of fun is ok with me and good way to pass an evening.

One last thing. its the forum birthday coming up soon and me, dc, s2c and chipmunk have come up with a great great idea for a brilliant video that will be coming soon
See yas all at the tables very soon
Welcome back from the abyss CG great post,great poker results,great horse results and a great Chocolate cake with strawberries on the top i can almost taste it damn.
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