Aspers Willy Hill added game

Headed 2 Aspers on Sat for the £75 Willy Hill added £1500 game and a great turnout of 134 runners with a 12k stack new it would be a great game. Still heaard people complaining it takes 2 long -jeez wot they want anutha game of bingo!
Got 2 the break with 13k very little happened apart from this hand I wasnt involved in. Imi in cutoff rases bb flats flop 732 bb ch Imi bets bb rases Imi shoves with K7 bb tables 22 turn 7 river K live poka is fixed.
After break I get KK in late pos raise Imi bb reraise I reraise to 6k givin him an option 2 shove and he thinks 4 about 3 secs and ships in. I call and he has 99 upto 26k.
Moved 2 new table get JJ utg raises I rerase to 6k Buzz ships in utg allin too I fold they both have KK. Next lap utg raises again I have QQ raise to 6k, he goes allin I call he has AK nd K on river back to 12k.
Now im lookin 4 a spot 2 get them in it comes when Buzz raises again and hes bein raising light so Im allin with A10 in sb he calls with 66 10 on the river and back in the game.Then I get AA raise and Elsacat moves allin my mind freezes and Samj dealing says "do u wanna count?" I say yes wtf I then say Im sorry call call call but its too late Ive done sumthing I hate done 2 me a horrible slowroll. I apologise again and cant explain my brainfreeze and thanks 2 Elsacat for takin it so well.
I hit quad aces now upto 36k. Anutha new table lose the min with 88 then I get JJ in the bb seat 3 raises and hes only played 1 hand upto now and that was QQ only other time Ive played with him was in cash and he played about 2 hands in 1 hour!So I flat call and see the flop of 10 9 3 I check to him he insta shoves for 12k which looked quite weak so I ask him if I fold will he show me he says no but doesnt look comfy so I call he shows KQ and misses and now upto 56k.
Win anutha small pot then anutha table change sit tight, win a couple of blinds then get AA utg raises seat 6 ships allin I call utg folds he has QQ. No Q and now upto 124k
Anutha new table now down to 2 tables and its pretty uneventful tickin along pickin up the blinds and make the ft with 130k avg is 130k with blinds 4-8k.
2 players out the 1st 2 hands Lucky is 1 of them her AK runnin into AQ Q on river and shes gone. Well played and unlucky.
So 8 left and I get KK utg raise 19k John Littlewood an Aspers reg moves allin with AQ A on turn and now down to 36k.
Wait 4 hand or a spot dont get 1 so in bb call raise blind he has AJ me K9 hit my 9 and bak upto 77k. Then Im on button and ship all with A5 Ridla calls with QQ 1st card Ace and now on 159k. Next big pot is when young lad raises which he has done alot from 2 tables down Paul Gardner in the sb calls so I squeeze allin young lad tanks for ages then folds Paul insta folds showin AJ young kid says he has AK phew.
Now on 235k and look down at AA in sb Paul raises to 37k on button I reraise to 90k he goes allin this time I insta call he has 1010 and a big fat ugly 10 on turn and its goodnite. nee wonder hes called goldenballs. Great game and cant wait till next months.
My internet grind is still goin well $600 startin roll now upto $7k from Jan 4th.
Keep on smiling stumpy
Got 2 the break with 13k very little happened apart from this hand I wasnt involved in. Imi in cutoff rases bb flats flop 732 bb ch Imi bets bb rases Imi shoves with K7 bb tables 22 turn 7 river K live poka is fixed.
After break I get KK in late pos raise Imi bb reraise I reraise to 6k givin him an option 2 shove and he thinks 4 about 3 secs and ships in. I call and he has 99 upto 26k.
Moved 2 new table get JJ utg raises I rerase to 6k Buzz ships in utg allin too I fold they both have KK. Next lap utg raises again I have QQ raise to 6k, he goes allin I call he has AK nd K on river back to 12k.
Now im lookin 4 a spot 2 get them in it comes when Buzz raises again and hes bein raising light so Im allin with A10 in sb he calls with 66 10 on the river and back in the game.Then I get AA raise and Elsacat moves allin my mind freezes and Samj dealing says "do u wanna count?" I say yes wtf I then say Im sorry call call call but its too late Ive done sumthing I hate done 2 me a horrible slowroll. I apologise again and cant explain my brainfreeze and thanks 2 Elsacat for takin it so well.
I hit quad aces now upto 36k. Anutha new table lose the min with 88 then I get JJ in the bb seat 3 raises and hes only played 1 hand upto now and that was QQ only other time Ive played with him was in cash and he played about 2 hands in 1 hour!So I flat call and see the flop of 10 9 3 I check to him he insta shoves for 12k which looked quite weak so I ask him if I fold will he show me he says no but doesnt look comfy so I call he shows KQ and misses and now upto 56k.
Win anutha small pot then anutha table change sit tight, win a couple of blinds then get AA utg raises seat 6 ships allin I call utg folds he has QQ. No Q and now upto 124k
Anutha new table now down to 2 tables and its pretty uneventful tickin along pickin up the blinds and make the ft with 130k avg is 130k with blinds 4-8k.
2 players out the 1st 2 hands Lucky is 1 of them her AK runnin into AQ Q on river and shes gone. Well played and unlucky.
So 8 left and I get KK utg raise 19k John Littlewood an Aspers reg moves allin with AQ A on turn and now down to 36k.
Wait 4 hand or a spot dont get 1 so in bb call raise blind he has AJ me K9 hit my 9 and bak upto 77k. Then Im on button and ship all with A5 Ridla calls with QQ 1st card Ace and now on 159k. Next big pot is when young lad raises which he has done alot from 2 tables down Paul Gardner in the sb calls so I squeeze allin young lad tanks for ages then folds Paul insta folds showin AJ young kid says he has AK phew.
Now on 235k and look down at AA in sb Paul raises to 37k on button I reraise to 90k he goes allin this time I insta call he has 1010 and a big fat ugly 10 on turn and its goodnite. nee wonder hes called goldenballs. Great game and cant wait till next months.
My internet grind is still goin well $600 startin roll now upto $7k from Jan 4th.
Keep on smiling stumpy