Dobba returns & The Wedding

Finger out and time to post summit at “Stumpys Blog” !!!!
For someone that over blogged Im rather shocked to realise the last time I blogged was way back in October 2011 basically leaving Stumpy to carry the flag and keep readers in touch with whats happening at Teamdobbs.
Whats been happening and why no posts? Simply put I cudnt be arsed and on the poker front there hasn’t been that much to write about as I havnt been playing hardly at all. Online is my normal non existent bit of sng stuff to keep some sort of interest then a few weeks ago Stumpy throws me a few ideas about possible staking of a player from the NPF known as Machine which we agree a 6 month deal on, we invest some decent money in Andy “KQ4EVA” Blair and then soon after that myself Stumpy & Xenocode combine to form a group of players to stake for a wide cross section of Sngs on another 6 month deal which ends up as 9 players under the “Dobba Dolla” umbrella.
What do we offer them? Well basically we give them a workable bankroll with a guarantee of continued support for the 6 month period backed up with advice and detailed coaching sessions mainly from Stumpy at my premises. Over the agreed time we 100% fully expect that each player will prove profitable by simply good man management and BRM plus by sticking to the basic strategy Stumpy teaches them then they should all have a decent return for their time & efforts. So far so good with virtually every player in profit and some excellent input as well from Xenocode especially with 2 players we have put under his wing doing very well. No matter which format of SNG the player chooses to play we feel we can give them good advice & support and plug mainly basic leaks players tend to pick up my simply bashing on themselves.
Live poker has been basically non existent for me as finding it really difficult to find the enthusiasm to play even once per week. When I have played Ive felt Ive played very well in patches but then run bad in big hands which cost me or take a standard bad beat which never recover from. Due something very soon and feel it coming so hoping it may be in something nice and juicey like maybe the Genting £25k guaranteed game coming up 25th March which Ive entered into.
Booked Las Vegas for 2012 with one slight difference to normal, my Mrs aint coming this year. Shes decided she don’t fancy another trip to the poker mecca of the world so Im off there sharing with Knerrad and a few others which include Mr & Mrs Stumpy and the Tretts from Full Trett Poker fame…… beware those security guys from Bills Gambling Saloon!!! Flying out 11th June until the 21st on good old British Airways and thanks the Chris Leckie for sorting our flights out in World Eco Class but boooooo to British Airways who want £30 to pre book the seat of your choice. Fk that Ill take the chance we get seated together.
OK and now to the main part of this post and to whats been keeping the Collins family occupied over the last few months……. My daughters wedding.
Over 2 years ago since her fiancé proposed to her when she was successful in getting a job in Dubai and then they emigrated there to work & live the big day arrived. They had decided to get married in Thailand and chose a small resort in Koi Samui. Organising weddings are a huge thing and very stressful so my message to my daughter was get on with what you want but you sort it, shes a very good organisor by the way and very thorough when shes doing stuff.
We travelled over to Dubai 1st and stayed a couple of days there before flying into Bangkok then from there into Koi Samui.
Nearly 40 people made up the wedding party which is incredible when you think about it with ½ from the Uk and the other ½ their friends from Dubai making the long trip and expense it takes to be part of their very special day. As it happens the whole wedding party group were awesome with a lot of new friendships made but one slight hiccup that marred proceeding was Davids Mam took ill on the plane from Dubai to Bangkok which steadily got worse and eventually she was admitted into hospital in Koi Samui diagonosed with Bronchittus which was later changed to influenza. She ended up in hospital for 4 days and missed the actual wedding and the best that could be done was a live stream was set up and she was able to watch the ceremony from her hospital bed on a lap top.
Stag night was eventful as Samoui wasn’t really ready for 16 blokes in full fancy dress and it caused a lot of interest from locals & tourists around town. Fun night had by all with a 16 stone rugby playing Amy Winehouse double attracting a lot of attention and even one of the lads enjoyed a nice quiet game of pool with one of local “ ladies” or is it laddies!????
The resort we were at was very private and ran by an English guy and attention to detail was amazing as well as an amazing location away from a lot of the hussle bussle from the main resort. A perfect choice to be honest especially for a wedding.
And so to the wedding day. There was to be 2 cermonies with a traditional Thai wedding followed by a more traditional Western wedding.
Feature of the Thai wedding was to be the entrance that was kept secret from all the guests and that was once seated then the bride & groom arrived along the beach on an Elephant. Entrance was pretty amazing and shocked most of the guests.
Into my posh togs now and my job of giving my daughter away at the Western wedding.
A pretty nervous and emotional time but I kept myself together well imo and a very proud dad handed Natalie over to her soon to be husband. Ceremony was fantastic and then after getting stuck into plenty of wine the day flowed into the reception again on the beach and night time disco n dancing.
Speeches etc seemed to go well and about just before midnight the over indulgence in the wine seemed to take its toil and I hit a brick wall knowing I needed my bed badly. The night time featured fire dancers, blazing lanterns we all released on the beach and a firework display which was quite simply amazing. Deffo a day to remember and a holiday of a lifetime for many. Some absolutely fantastic pictures all over facebook and some lovely remarks and comments about how much people enjoyed the wedding and the holiday.
Quite impressed with Thailand although it’s a long haul but a beautiful place where we were. Coming back we flew on the Emirates new A380 airbus from Bangkok to Dubai which was absolutely amazing and the best plane Ive been on by miles.
Arrive back to the cold of the UK and looking forward to the warmer months ahead and hopefully some success on the felt which is long overdue but Im convinced its just around the corner so watch this space
Be lucky and Ill try n keep my next update sooner rather than later