Started the month really looking forward to playing both online and live as there was a couple of games i was really looking forward too,( ukip notts + cgk cup).
Anyway playing live gets of to a bad start when i play ukipt and on a flop of A34 , im holding 33 (Happy days) all hell breaks loose and im pretty confident im ahead only for him to flip over 5-2 FML, and i miss my redraw . This guy was utg+1 , very loose calling stn but never in a million years did i have him on that hand.
CGK cup is a great event and i was part of the winning team last year so was hoping that teamdobbs took it down this year, we had a great chance and with a strong squad were always in control of the torny and cruised to victory, ( WHOOP) scooping a nice £220.
Play 3 other tornys at the "G" and final table 1 of them scooping £120 when i am cruelly rivered after a donk call and exit in 8th place. The second was a st8 forward AKvAQ when my opponent hits his Q (standard)
My final torny was quite a funny exit hand, when holding 33 ( again) flop comes 355 happy days, APOKERLYPSE was the pre flop aggressor and fires out a bet only for CGK to raise , i flat knowing he has an overpair , but i want apokerlypsis money in the pot also, he obliges and calls, turn is a fantastic 2 and CGK fires a big bet out and then im all in , apokerlypse folds and CGK flips over the expected overpair 88, HAPPY DAYS , untill the dealer flips over another 5 on the river, FML and Fk pocket 3,s.
The 2 main events were great and really enjoyed them and ended up making about £120 profit from playing live this month, nowt special , but always better than losing.
As for online, well i didnt play as much as i normally would but had a very productive month, firstly i made about $1400 from grinding and then at the end of the month i won Battle of the planets sng leaderboard , so was rewarded with a $700 prize of stars (happy days), so $2100 total ( £1300 ish) cant grumble.
I then decided to enter a £2 rebuy sattelite for ukipt manchester , i win this and get a seat into the £44 game which has 10 seats up for grabs, i manage to secure a seat along with another NPF player ( mrmcgoogle) For the grand total cost of £6.20
So a profit of around £1400 from playing a £500 seat to the ukip manchester and a couple of torny,s played which i really enjoyed, not bad , and really looking forward to next months grind both online and live.
Good luck at the tables, gaz.
great stuff gaz, keep it up
fkn luckbox mbn ;)
fkn luckbox mbn ;)
ps do a ship at manc imo
wp gaz , gd luck in manchester :)
wp gaz gd luck in manchester :)
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