What a fright!!!

Alreet Stumpy here,
Had 6 relaxing days on holiday relaxng round the pool thro the day and having a nice meal with a few drinks in the evening with Teamdobb and his wife Sandra then on the Friday me and Dave head off to play in the majorcan open 660 euro buyin which Mrs Stumpy bought me for my birthday and xmas present it was a really nice casino and the tourney was well run a couple of decent players on my 1st table but some really easy spots to get chips.
Started off ok then lost 3 times with jacks and then played 2 hands really bad and was down to 8k from 15k ss.Got moved tables just after Teamdobb got knocked out and shoved over a limper twice with a9 and then aj then shoved over bttn raise with a8 back up to 15k when i get 1010 raise 1 caller and see the flop of j104 r i bet tiny and he shoves with aj and im upto 30kish about average with about 25 left from the 70 runners,we are playing down to 20 runners to go to day2 then I lose with 66 after tabe donk calls my cbet with nothing and he hits his ace on the turn, then I raise with a10 and get reshipped i fold and he shows me ak, we are down to 21 players and i raise with 33 just then we lose a player and its the last hand of the night the bb goes allin I fold and he shows me QQ.
So got through to day 2 but with only 10bbs.We head back to the hotel its about 3.30am when we get back and ive only been asleep about 5 mins when Sandra wakes us up telling us Teamdobb is ill and is in the hotel lobby with the doctor.When we get there Daves been seen by the ambulance crew and they tell us hes had a heart attack hes rushed to hospital and straight into the theatre so me Mrs Stumpy and Sandra have a long worrying wait until about 9am when we get to see him in intensive care and im amazed and relieved to see him sitting up and quite chatty phew.
When we left him on Monday night he was in great form and just wanted to get home.See you when you get back take care.
I went back and played day 2 of the majorcan open 40 players left out of field of 130 got a shove through with a3 then im mid pos and looked at ace 2 when there was a big hand at other table and most of my table goes to look only the blinds are left so i shove again but small blind has aq and im out in 36th place.
Online ive had alot final tables and a lot of other deep runs, playing and running well just hope to have a few more before the end of the month to post a nice profit.
Live still running shit, no final tables this month so far got a change soon i hope.
Keep on smling stumpy.
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