Mallorca big shock!!!

Mallorca Shock
Took off to Mallorca with Sandra & Mr & Mrs Stumpy with one main intention of having a relaxing carefree chill out break.
Flight was spot on and slept most of way but faced over an hours wait in a queue to collect our car. Arrive at the hotel in Portal Nous village weve stayed at many times get booked into our rooms without a hitch.
Ist part of break goes totally as planned with days by the pool and nights enjoyed at some of the great restaurants in Portals.
Break takes a total tangent I didn’t expect when on the 16th September myself and Stumpy reg for the Mallorcan Poker Open Day 1A with 20 players from Day1A field going to the final day on Sunday 18th September. Tournie was pretty uneventful for me on a very straight forward table even though Id chipped up 1000 in 1st 2 levels. I then found AKcc in my BB and in a 5 way limped pot I make it 800 at 75/150 for mid position limper to jam for his stack of 6300. I make the call and he flips 44. Q 10 8 flop followed by Q turn giving me any J 10 8 A or K to win the pot but I blank it and my stack is seriously injured. Not as much as what was to follow later that evening which at the time I had absolutely no idea about.
I flop the world in another couple of hands but Im now on serious double up duty and looking for my right spot or hand to get it.
I then had my 1st signs things weren’t right with me when I began to get pains in my chest like heartburn and I was sweating heavily. I put it down to the heat of the room to be honest and made sure I took in plenty of water which did seem to do the trick but when I went out shoving Ace 10 ( 7 bbs ) into KQ that hit the turn I took a break outside to get some fresh air.
Pains had eased but I simply did not feel right but was hanging around railing Stumpy who made it through till the end of the day in true Dobba grind with very few hands to mention.
Drove back to hotel and half way back I was sweating up but nothing too serious.
Parked up at the car park and made my way to my room being about 4.00am but that’s when thing s took a big turn for the worse. Walking to my room along the corridor the pains were hrrific eft arm began to go weak and numb. My aim was to get into bed and relax and hope the pain would ease BUT I knew this was not right and after about 30mins and the pains getting worse I had to wake Sandra and tell her something was seriously wrong here with me. She tried to get me to lie back down and relax in bed but I knew then I needed urgent medical treatment and threw on some shorts and a Tee shirt and made my way back down to reception. Guy there must of thought I was a tourist drunk as when I asked him to get me a doctor his reaction at 1st was go back to your room Sir and Ill get the doctor to ring you. He soon realised I was in trouble and I lay down on the settees in the reception area. A few minutes later the doctor arrived and after a few basic checks he rang the local hospital and requested an ambulance. Those 5 / 10 mins of waiting for that ambulance to arrive seemed a lifetime with the pain building up in my chest and breathing was getter more shallow by the minute. Eventually they arrived and carried out an ECG on me which immediately showed a blockage in my main artery to my heart and they rushed me to the local clinic.
Doctor guy in ambulance was brilliant to be honest and explained everything that was going to happen which would be immediately. Must have been after 5.00am when we got to the hospital and the place was brand new and very high tech place.
I was rushed into the operating theatre, stripped naked and then a team of doctors & nurses appeared and began scrubbing up and preparing me for what needed doing. Main doctor spoke very broken English but did his utmost best to explain what was going to happen. Basically my main artery to my heart was blocked and they were going to insert a tube up through the artery in my arm across to the heart and then insert a stent in the artery to open it up. Basically like a balloon which they then inflate which allows the blood to renew its natural flow. Worst part of the whole episode was when they inflated the stent and I began shaking and shivering which I couldn’t control. One of weirdest feelings Ive had in life and not something I would like to repeat again.
I then spent the next 3 days on intensive care and the treatment and service of care was simply amazing in a truly amazing hospital of the highest standards. I was then transferred from IC to a cardiac ward but a private room once again with all mod cons.
Pretty scarey stuff not only for me but I assume also for my wife Sandra and Mr & Mrs Stumpy who have been absolutely brilliant keeping Mrs C as calm as she could be. Expect to be discharged from hospital after 5 or 6 days on this ward so probably Friday 23rd September but due to some health care law due to what has happened I am unable to fly for 21 days from when the incident happened. Got an apartment sorted out in Portals Nous village from some people we know which I can stay at
Sometimes you take a lot of stuff for granted but until something like this rears its head you never really appreciate how important life is and also what an incredible machine your body is. Lots to think over now about what to do in the near future and have no doubt Ill be giving a lot of important stuff my utmost attention.
Havnt read anything yet as Ive been without any internet but my son Scott has told me Ive been inundated with get well wishes which means a lot, so thanks all for that.
That’s it for now as I begin my recovery here with my feet up and hopefully the sun stays shining for the next couple of weeks. Hopefully see you all soon and Ill keep you all as best informed as I can as soon as I get some internet access when I get discharged.
p.s. must of watched and seen every goal in La Liga scored for the last 2 weeks 10 times each!!!!
Hopefuly cya soon
so glad your getting back on your feet dave , very scary read tbh , cant think how scared you must have felt , btw that is deffo the best crazy golf course i have ever
Great write up,for us elder members of the community a reminder , to put the important things in life first
All the best m8.
Met you in Newcastle team event a couple of years back (playing for RTR).
Great to see your on the road to recovery David,i reckon teamdobbs will be to enter next years special olympics in London the way things are going :)
Fantastic news that your on the mend mate , see you soon , have a good and safe flight home and take things easy.
Crikey thats a scary read, glad that you are back on the mend and getting back on with life (feels a resurgence of the lifestyle/fitness threads coming on). Hope to see you soon
The Looseman
So pleased you're back on your feet and on the mend without any issues. looking forward to seeing you in the flesh. Take it easy.
Great matter of fact write up Dave. Sounds like the ultimate bad beat to me. Literally. Time to nit it up in life now?
Great also that that top notch facilities on hand and available so quickly.
Stay positive sir
fk me mate, serious shit. Glad ur on the mend x
Seriously glad you on the mend fella!!!
All the best
So glad to hear you are on the mend fella!!
All the best
Glad to hear you are on the mend, sending our Love. Dawn & Steve x x x
Glad to see you are on the mend and feeling alot better, hope you get home soon and when you do take it easy for a while. Sending our Love. Dawn & Steve x x x
Nice reflections Dave and really glad to hear you're on the mend. All the best :-)
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