Last week & the future

Over a week now since we closed the NPF and thanks to all the messages that have been left here but also to the absolutely amazing Private Messages Ive had in my message box at NPF. Never really realised how the closure has effected so many true and genuine people. Most amazing was the 5 pms I had from people who were not prolific posting members on there but also people I have never ever even met before and the lovely things they said were very mcuh appreciated. Always nice to know your efforts and things you have done have helped and been appreciated by others.
Theres obviously the other side to this where some people have put some rather derogative comments and some have been a total surprise to me as theve always been really nice to me face to face and yet now wish to say hurtful and in most cases incorrect facts of how they saw things or how they perceived things to be. Such is life and tbh Im not that fussed as I know the efforts we put in there and I also know the true genuine people are the ones that count to me. Fake people are 2 a penny and change like the wind and have no chance of effecting or interupting my life now or in the future.
As to the future? Well to be honest myself and Scott have had alot of pressure from others to re open the NPF but on that decision its totally in Scotts ballpark and his decision alone. Whether that will happen is totally up to him and what he wants to do. Couple of members from the NPF have opened a poker forum to try and continue where we left off which is understandable and its already attracted a large part of the NPF membership so good luck to them on that. A small section have indicated everything that was wrong with the NPF so its now a great opportunity for them to prove those facts right at their new home. Only time will tell on that but Im my opinion theres only so much hand discussion and strategy you can handle as in reality Pokers a pretty simple basic game which others love to make complicated. Fun & enjoyment are 2 crucial parts of poker that many continue to forget and without that then people lose interest. Others have indicated they will or could have done or helped in stuff we did, well now is their big opportunity to put this to the test and see what they can give back to the local poker scene
Personally since the closure of the NPF Ive actually felt great and am now looking forward to my 6th visit to Las Vegas and my 5th WSOP. Have a bit of action left on my WSOP Staking if any blog readers are interested and if your not a local then Ill accept a Stars or Bank transfer to make it easier for you. The details and link for this are here WSOP Offer
Locally I played at the G Poker Festival on Wednesday in their £75 Freeze out with 2 added main event seats. Throughlly enjoyed the game and the crack and was great to see 2 old mates there in Azimut and Ned Pepper making the trip down from Hexham.
Made steady progress with my stack and won 3 or 4 flips to then move into a good position to final table. Make final table reasonably stacked and move into proppa dobba mode for the 1st part of the final table which pays off. Few go out and with only 7 getting paid my aim was that top 3 spot where the decent cash was plus also top 2 won main event seats for that weekend which were worth £220 each. Lose Stumpy in 7th place on the cash bubble and then its basically shove mode in position which I get through alot. Couple of times Im looked up and Ive got the goods and down to 4 handed I try to do a % swop deal for the main event seats that 2 of us are going to win but Apokerlypse comes up with the much better idea of leaving the prize money as it is but to give the seats to 3rd & 4th place which evened up the monies left much easier and myself Mags1892 and Nemisis quickly agree as we are all on very similar stacks. Nemisis goes out in 4th place and then I shove with JJ on mags raise and he makes the call with AQ and gets there giving me £620.00 plus a £200 seat for the weekend.
Main event and Im very happy with my table and get off to a good start and soon get chipped up which always makes things easier. Flop 2 pair with 8 10 and table maniac donates me his full stack when he makes his bottom end straight to my rivered full house and then a non believer jams my re raise on a Jack high board holding JK and my KK takes him out. I get up to over 70k with the average around 20k when I pick up AA and face a raise in front plus a call. I put a big raise in to keep the 2 callers and we go to a K 10 rag flop. Caller leads out for over 3k and I make it 10k for original raiser to ship all in which i call. He flips Kq and the 45k pot looks destined to take me up around the 100k mark until Adam the dealer puts down the case K on the river. Re group and get my stack back going in the right direction and sitting on over 60k with 2 hands left of the night. I raise mid position KQ with alot of tight players to cat behind so am confident of taking pot with no action but Dave heathfield calls nervously from the sb. Ace flop and he cks back to me and I cb for him to flat call. Should really close down here as dave is very likely to have a decent Ace the way he plays but I end up bluffing and end up 23k lighter when he flips over AdKd on the river.
Come back day 2 with just over 38k and once again chip up steady on a very ABC table tbh. Nearing the cash bubble and looking to stay active and after previously shoving over a few raises I shove agin to a button raiser with my AK and he tank calls his stack with 88. Im happy enough and pot will put me in good shape to go to final table with but I miss and go out just short of some cash. Had swopped 10% in stumpy and he went on to finish 3rd for nearly £3k so not a bad week all in all with just short of £1k in returns.
Really felt for Dave "Cameltoe" Atkinson who was so so ul losing QQ to AQ for big pot at crucial time and then busting with AA to QQ and AQ which cudnt hold as AQ made runner runner for straight.
Rest of night I had a "few" drinks with Stunpy & Gazmeister and then a meal in the restaurant and we cudnt stoop laffing at winding some of the G staff in the very nicest of way which they throughly enjoyed as well and took in the best of humour it was meant to be. having a laugh with good people whilst playing poker........... cant beat it
edit 21.45 19/05/2012
maybe decided ?
In my opinon your attitude to the game is second to none, you know what its all about.
Unfortunately for "some others" their major flaw is their arrogance and with that attitude they have no control over their ego with regards to poker.
Fun and enjoyment are fundamentaly better than ignorance and arrogance, in a game which is predomanantly decided by randomness.
Good luck to both of you no matter what you choose to do .
I can't help myself, sorry:
Xeno: thought it was predominantely decided by the PokerStars doom or boom swith?
It's rigged, aye? :D :D
@TD (and Scott) -- nice post sir, run better though. ;)
thanks for everything you did for the Newcastle Poker Scene and best of luck to both of you. Hope to see you posting as a customer rather than a provider soon.
Enjoy Vegas, would have bought a % but impossibles for me to give you actual dolllarehs. Sigh. Glglgl anyway though :)
gr8 read dc.
wp on building one of the closest poker communities in the world. A forum which was rooted in the friendships that had been formed within the poker community rather than simply a meeting place for poker players.
Thanks personally for introducing me to the 100+ people i know now through the forum. As 2 years ago i didnt know anyone. In the last 2 years i must have spent weeks on the npf, thanks for all the fun.
I'd also like to echo huzz's sentiments that it would nice to see you involved in the poker scene, but simply as a contributor rather than provider.
I'm sure we will always have fun whenever we meet on the table.
(nee pizza and fookin chippy was closed last night, fml)
tell ya wot!
that £75 game i came and played in was probably the most enjoyable night ive had playing live poker. from start to finish i was laughing all the way. even after getting luckboxed out the tourney by ned i went to the cash table and laughed for hours on there also. even at the bar with andy and mags the chat was first class.
im still laughing now at some of the lines. off suit 7 gappers and hide the sauce bottle. you had to be there to understand.
i cant wait to go back. i even woke up the next day with 5 x £25 chips in my pocket haha
Its my opinion that you are one of the most sound, genuine and friendly people in the Newcastle poker scene.
Was disappointed with the closure of NPF as it introduced me to a great poker community which I'm thankful for. A new community has arisen in the form of the NEPF and I hope the success of the NPF will be replicated there.
I wish you well in all future activities and hope you good luck at the tables.
hope its not the end of the npf dont know how much u miss something till its gone ;-(..playa
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