Alreet stumpy here,
Well after cashing in 3 out of 4 fridays at the g i was in 2nd place for the player of the month and i was hoping to play all week to give myself the best chance to win.Well failed to get at all until the friday which was my last chance, nowt like putting the pressure on.Cant really remember much about friday so to cut it short i got to ft and i need to finish 5th or better to win player of the month, £550 seat to sheffield gukpt summer series with travel and accomadation so nice little prize we get down to 6 players and i suggest a 6 way chop for £510 each i took £500 im so kind lol which everyone is happy with booooooom king of the chops.
npf team championships 2011
Had a really good 1st table with everyone knocking the drinks back and enjoying the crack i built my stack upto a very healthy 22k at the 1st dinner break av 11k. hit trip 5s v ak on a a10 5 flop and got it aiotf then iso raised with 1010 v aj and held.Then i raised the buttn with a8 bb 3 bet small so i flatted and see a flop of q85 bb chs i ch turn 7 and bb goes allin for 5k thought it was either nuts or air so made the call and he tables ak and i hold.After the break i lost a couple of decent pots when i hit top 2 with aq on the turn unluckily this gave brett angel the flush i just ch called the rvr.This knocked me down to 18k which i stayed at for what seemed like an age until there was 33 left and play was finishing for the day once we got down to 30 players i get 2 shoves through and im on 22k when i pick up qq and raise get shipped on by kq, k on the flop and i hit the rail in 32nd place scoring some valuable points for the team.Went back on the sunday to cheer on gazmeister,cowhead,xenocode and cogb ship 1st place for the dobbers had a really good day drinking and watching the poker.Well done to cowhead who finished 4th and cogb who finished 2nd wpwp.
live mtts - +£2,020 +£550 +expenses for gukpt summer series seat at sheffield
live cash- -£100
online mtts -$854
online sngos -$75
horses- +$60
The horses in running betting was disapointing as i thought there was a 3 second delay from live pics to my telly but ive since been told its upto 7 secs which on the flat is a disaster so cant do it and have to wait to jumps starts again oh well it was fun while it lasted.
keep on smiling stumpy
If you needed to finish 5th why do a 6 way chop as that surely means you don't win??
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