Better than Sherwood Forest

Up sharp and after student cafe greasy joe breakfast its across to pick up S2C from his hotel and taxi ride down to Dusk till Dawn. Club is located just outside of town directly on motorway links and easy to find.
Normal enough looking place from outside but WoW when you get past reception the place really is impressive on entering main room. Its only just gone 12.30 and place is already really busy especially the bar area.
From top to bottom the venue has obviously been well designed with no expenses spared and top quality fittings all over and all mod cons.
From the layout design, tables, computor display screens, merchandise, poker chips, quality of dealers and general cardroom management the place seemed virtually faultless and apart from the slightly overpriced drinks and food which is understandable considering the overheads involved then no poker player could be nothing but impressed with the place.
Good to meet up again with a few online faces Ive got to know from previous events and we were all soon seated and on the way.
Knew the guy on my right from online and didnt take long to realise had very good quality table.
Moved along nicely with steady growing stack and felt I had some good reads on players and their plays which in general were proved correct when shown down.
Picked up nice pot playing J10 in BB calling the buttons regular raise in 3 way pot.
Flop of 9 10 J and called his pot size raise to see another lovely Jack which took it down to his Q8 flopped straight.
Best pot taken was beauty 10 4 BB special in 5 way pot and flop of 10 4 A turn 4 and 7 river to guy holding A 9.
The normal level of dead cards then in later level my mid raised AJ was met by all in from BB who had started doing this alot. I get away from hand and from there go backwards. Our table is broken and did I draw the short straw. Table Im moved to puts me back in the blinds and between the chip leader and another monsta stack.
Low stack in early position who had pushed alot with crap moves in early and best hand Ive seen in 4 laps 88 is in front of me in Button position so I move in with him only for big stack to my left to go all in as well boooooooooo.
1st guy shows Q7 but big stack has KK which hold to take down the pot and Im offskis in 104th from 259.
Enter a STT which had been running al day with all winners going through to following days final and take it down then play Forum Team Game for AWOP late on after main event day 1 finish getting AA in busted twice at vital stages. 5 handed get my raise called to 10 high flop for guy to move all in showing Q 10 then rivers the Q and when 3 handed in chip lead although blinds were huge single raise the BB with AA for him to move all in with 99 and spike the 9 on the turn.
Cash returns at least but next days STT Final was a none event for me with total wrong head on and terminator game even worse. Had enough by end of play on 1st day to be honest and just wanted to get home.
Hung around to see my mate Pete cash out in main event low 20 position and then watch Newcastle lad I know very well Gary Wilson Senior take down the STT Final.
Eventually glad to get home and although Im going to play a good game at Stanley Circus added money tomorrow night in Newcastle Im then going to have a good few days with no poker.
Junes Figures
Online Poker = £228.50 profit
Live Poker including Vegas = £625 loss
No one likes losing but cosidering what Ive played in Vegas without cashing I cant complain at months figures.