I feel so old

Alreet Stumpy here,
I went to my mates stag do up in Edinburgh it was a great laff but I feel so old as we went up on the 9.50 and planned to come back at 9pm the last train, well 3 of us got the 5pm back to Newcastle I was totally knackered and couldnt drink another drop, I slept all the way back and then played the genting £50 f/o drinking tea, I was cl with 5 left until I run kdjd into ak then kq into aj to finish 5th for £350.
Ive been busy with the training days trying to get all the players to a decent standard theres only a couple who are down at the moment hopefully we can get these back in profit and our aim is to finish the 6 months with all players in profit.The hardest for people to understand is the way the sngos work. All I get from the players is "im running so bad" even when there winning lol.
The reason for this is they are getting the chips in ahead most of the time but in some cases not massively ahead so u feel you are running bad but as long as you hold enough of the time you will win in the long run if you can except this and the beats the easier it becomes.
Hardley been able to play many online mtts this month but had 2 more fts but just small cashes to go with my $2.5k scoop on willy hill earlier in the month. Still cant win a penny on stars.
I started playing some hyper turbo sngs on ongame I got a good r/b deal nd a bonus to work off so going to give it a go for 2 months to see if the efforts worth it. Got off to a canny start and im winning which is a bonus as I think u can make a decent amount just by breaking even.
Went to a football retirement doo on Saturday for Peter Reynolds who was chairman of the footy team I played for then managed, it was great to see all the old players after the game there was a race night and the horses had the real names on lol well after picking or remembering what won the races I was 4 from 5 and £40 up the last race you had to bid for a horse and if the horse wins you get a Peter Beardsly signed boot in a display case so I bid and get the winner lol id actually backed the winner when the race was actually run it was a great night and alot of money made for charity.
Feb results
live mtts = +£1810
live cash +£360
online mtts = +$2,200
online cash = - $200
horses = -$400
live staking = -£55
weight = 0
keep on smiling Stumpy.
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