sheffield gukpt

Alreet Stumpy here,
Mrs Stumpy and I headed off to Sheffield on thursday 7th july by train sleep half the way and arrive at the copthorne hotel £50 a night deffo recomend it only 10 mins walk to the g casino.
Thursday 7th july £200 f/o 43 runners -Run ok and pick off a few shorty shoves and get to day 2 with 13 bbs 11 left 6 pay.Mrs stumpy won the high hand for this mtt with quad 9s and got a seat in the champion of champion online 15k freeroll with only 33 runners which takes place on 19th of july.
Friday 8th july £200 f/o day 2 -Get to ft and i shove 12bbs with 88 snapped by qq gg me
Friday night we meet up with Teamdobb and his wife Sandra and have a night off poker and head for the dogs had a lovely meal and a few drinks but the betting didnt go well until i get a tricast up the last few tricasts had payed £100 +.this one payed £35 i run so bad lol
Saturday 9th july £500 f/o 44 runners
Win a cuople of small pots until button raises i call with 33 flop a93 i ch call turn is ace and i ch raise button tank calls now im hoping to get the full double up until the river is a 9 ffs ch fold down to 5k.About 5 hands later 2 limpers im sb and make it 400 blinds 50-100 both call flop k 10 7 r i bet 600 1 caller turn 9 i bet 1600 knowing im putting rest in on river.River is an 8 im allin and he calls and tables 96 sigh.Play a bit of cash and start getting the coronas in while we wait for Teamdobb he was going well till he lost called with 88 from his BB to button K7 shove and dealer puts K7 on flop and he hit the rail abit later so we jump in a taxi and head off for something to eat. The taxi driver drops us off at a nice italians which turned out to be excellent choice as it had a great atmoshere. lovely food and excellent company with Dave and Sandra.After getting thro 3 courses 2 bottles of wine Teamdobb decides we need to walk back to the hotel good idea so we set off until we come to one of those horrible subways you see in the movies halfway through about 5 young punks rob you at knifepoint, Sandra wasnt to keen but we persuaded her we would be ok halfway thro i couldnt resist letting rip with one of my eeirie bird crys jesus wept Mrs C nearly took off was soso funny even Kaz nearly had heart attack and she new I was going to do it sorry Sandra.
Sunday 10th july £100 f/o with £25 bounty 104 runners 11 pay
Totally card dead with very little spots so sat patient until i get aa v aq v qq aipf then i raise with kk bb calls flop 679 we get it allin and he has j8 and bricks down to 2 tables and im bb with j2 and we get a limpfest flop j72 r and i ch raise allin and get called off aj and hold weee my 1st bounty £25 we eventullay get down to 11 but the blinds and antes are huge so decide to push any unopened pot and if i get 3 allins thro i will be in a goodposition on ft 1st push im snapped by 1010 and i have q10 and im out sigh that plan went well lol im out in 11th for £160 +£25 bounty.
Next morning we get phone call from reception at 11.40 you have to be out by noon ah shit flying round getting ready i look at my phone and get message off samj junior, bomba has won you $4.5k weeeee so i say to mrs s nice 1 $2.2k for us but then get message of cameltoe hes won 9k so its 4.5k to me well played bomba.
I staked bomba to play 180s 50/50 but he soon realised he couldnt make enough in the 6 week period so he asked if he could use it for mtts i said no probs go for it,normally mtts is 60/40 or 70/30 in my favour but deffo not complaining with my 4k profit and a nice way to end a great weekend.
keep on smiling stumpy
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