ukipt weekend

Alreet stumpy here,
Havent played much poker this month due to work and my cousins wedding, the friday before the wedding samj comes on msn for staking for the £55 5kg circus game i was having a few coronas with my nephew so i say why not have a sweat emm he lasts 4 hands sigh he asks if he can buy back in so i ask my nephew rob and he says go for it so he buys back in and 5mins later sam says ive lost half me stack so i say if you win you can use part of winnings to buy into ukipt. wake up the next morning with a text off sam won £1350 weeeeee.So im freerolling the ukipt with percentages in
samj 50% - he had bigstack but lost 200k flip on day2 ak v qq then rebuilt and then lost qq v 88 vul samj one day soon.
dapperdan 10% made day 2 but no cash.
juniorbomba-10%out early doors never got going
fatfish-10% had a great run but went out 25th for £1525
cameltoe-25% went out day2
Really thought i had a great chance of a ft from one of my players or from myself but my ukipt started bad and never really improved first hand i played 9d10d flop 8jq i bet straight into it 1 caller turn blank bet near pot he calls rvr makes flush possible so i ch call and yup he has flush.From then on went between 10k and 15k chips but just couldnt get the dup i needed ended day 1 with 7,3k 2nd day i shipped ak,jj no callers then reshipped bttn rase with a6 he folds then ship a9 still cant get the dup until cl on table raises from utg+1 and i ship aq he calls with 85 flop kjx 8 8 and i was out never ever got going in this tourney was going to play £300 game but after having a chinese with mrs stumpy couldnt be arsed so went home and fired up a few mtts on tilt finished 27th in $24kg and 4th in the 6kg for over $600 combined.Went back the sunday night to play the £100 charity game and after cracking aces with 99 i lost 88 to 77 aipf for what would of been a nice stack with about 30 players left.wp to all the npfers who cashed in ukipt but really disapointed we had no one on the ft.
keep smiling.....Stumpy
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