In need of some motivation

Well after a nice end to last month it was enevatible that stars was gonna flick my doomswitch and they didnt dissapoint. Started the month with 7 losing days out of 8 played so when the UKIPT Manchester arrived it was a pleasant break from the virtual.
Was really looking forward to ths game and after 3 days hard slog i was rewarded with 26th place and a nice return of £1450 , which was cool as i sattelited in for £6.20 (happy days).
Obviously happy with my return but still dissapionted i didnt go further as i felt so comfortable and felt i was playing pretty good , with about 30 players left i had 275k in chips and the average was about 310K so was right in there with a chance but a run of really bad cards , then getting 3 bet twice after blind steal raises and having to fold meant i couldn,t really afford to waste many chips.
Unfortunately i then called a shorty,s all in and got rivered losing 100k pot and the rest was history when i exit with good old AJvKK in an unorthadox played hand by my opponents. Great experiance these events , unfortunately dont think i can play any more this year.
So i get back home and notice stars have a reload bonus, so decide to deposit $600 and grind the 25% bonus. I grind away and soon i have made back my losses and actually finish the month just over $600 in profit, but although im winning i just cant get into the games , in fact the only reason im playing is because i want to grind the bonus.
I didnt even play enough games to make goldstar which i have not done before other than when i have been away on holiday and havn,t played, and with only 1 live game played i really need some motivation to get me interested in playing .
Feels strange especially when im making money, but im in need of some sort of challenge, something to get my teeth into, get interested in, so anybody reading this can forward all ideas my way please as im a little lost at what to try.
Anyway overall another good month money wise , just hope April brings new motivation, may play a few more live games . good luck at the tables.
Im having same problem mate
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