Whole lot of Pizza fun!!!

Alreet stumpy here,
Had a good run in the gs friday night game this month played it 4 times so far and cashed in 3, 6th for £170 then did a 5 way chop for £560 then last friday won it for £790 we did a deal 5 left where we closed up the prize money. At the moment in sitting in 2nd for the player of the month and the prize is a £500 gukpt seat so im going to try and play as many times as i can this week to see if i can win the seat. samj is currently about £50 ahead of me so its all to play for.
Had a good run in the gs friday night game this month played it 4 times so far and cashed in 3, 6th for £170 then did a 5 way chop for £560 then last friday won it for £790 we did a deal 5 left where we closed up the prize money. At the moment in sitting in 2nd for the player of the month and the prize is a £500 gukpt seat so im going to try and play as many times as i can this week to see if i can win the seat. samj is currently about £50 ahead of me so its all to play for.
online my volume and play has been pretty shit as i havent felt great. I think I had sinisitus and also my internet connection as been playing up but all excuses really just need to get my head down and grind tbh.
Played the apat game at aspers after bluffing half me stack off i went out with this hand. Villain raises im bb and call with as3s flop is 633 i ch raise his 500 cbet to 1100 he flats turn is ace i ch and he jams with 86 ob i call and the river is a 6 ffs.
Play a bit cash on same table as juniorbomba and it was so soft, ob we both lose a little when the donks keep getting there but we had a good laugh.Then i walk down to the g to meet mrs stumpy whos just finished work to play in the £10 rebuy chip up pretty easily until i lose kk v 77 aipf for 28k when av 11k then i lose jj v k10 rebuild back upto 11k until 2 limpers blinds 400-800 i ship with 99 and they both call with a3 and kj wtf ob never winning that ship my last 2k with a8 and lose to a 10.
Play a bit cash on same table as juniorbomba and it was so soft, ob we both lose a little when the donks keep getting there but we had a good laugh.Then i walk down to the g to meet mrs stumpy whos just finished work to play in the £10 rebuy chip up pretty easily until i lose kk v 77 aipf for 28k when av 11k then i lose jj v k10 rebuild back upto 11k until 2 limpers blinds 400-800 i ship with 99 and they both call with a3 and kj wtf ob never winning that ship my last 2k with a8 and lose to a 10.
Hit the cash table which is always fun at the g lost a couple of pots and was about £50 down when this happened ive been suprised by some of the replys at the NPF see what you think.
Pizza HandNPF team game next saturday and sunday so looking forward to that if i get my time off work fingers crossed.
keep on smiling stumpy