Running bad but weeeeeeeeeeee biggest win!!

Alreet stumpy here,
The run bad continues online and live, usually in the past its been one or another, three fookin months of contant outdraws and coolers but dont feel sorry for me, haha as if you would, as i had 10% of gaz "papa shippa" walker who very kindy shipped the ukipt at dtd for 94k which beats my biggest ever cash of 8.5k when he shipped me 9.4k.Last year gaz was my roommate at vegas and is a cracking lad and good company and his poker game has improved so much over the last few years so when he asked me to back him i snapped his hand off no problem.Well done gaz amazing result wpwp.
The cardguard cup=15 teams of 10 mainly from the npf and a few from hetton, as defending champ i was hoping for another deep run to help the dobbas win the cgc,Got off to a good start then lost a pot with kk to go back to ss then utg ss shipped and i called with 66 he tables 93 and binks a 9 then i get moved tables and i ship 3 hands in row with a8,kq,and aq, i get called by qq but i hit my ace for a much needed dup.then i pick off a shorty with kk v aj and we are down to 4 tables and in the points i grinded my way down to the ft bubble when stevie "wannayear" sensation raises and i ship and hes priced in to call with q4 v my 88 4 on the flop and 4 on the river ouch.The dobbas won the team prize with 6 of are team getting deep into the points with fatfish getting to the final table.dobba phlmac who was able to play at the last minute for a misfit team went onto win the event wp phil.It was an awesome day and ive never seen so many pissed poker players in my life hopefully next year we make it the hatrick.
Horses betting in running-Made a very small profit this month mainly due to laying 1 horse and backing the 2nd fav lost $350 on the 1 race so really pleased to claw this back and make a small profit of $80 for the month.
Circus £50 game- Got off to a great start until i lost a 20k pot which still left me with 10k 1k over ss then i got a lucky dup with a10 v kk which got me back into the game until i shove jh10h from the button with 10bbs and mac calls with aq a j on the flop but an ace on the turn seals my fate nd i get £110 for 11th place.
When i started writing this blog post i was playing a few mtts and i actually won the $5 $8.5g on fulltilt winning $2,291.38 hopefully this is the start of the run good.
Had 3 goes to qualify for the manchester ukipt finished 12th when 9 1k packages ak v 99 aipf then 19 left utg raises i ship with aa and bttn calls with kq??and hits the flush ffs.Then going well in the last one i played, well above av and 3bet player he calls flop 10 43 and we get it allin on the flop and he had called 3 bet with 33 sigh.
end of month stats
live mtts =-£150
live cash =+ £90 1 session
online mtts = - $180
online sngos = -$ 160
horses = +$80
staking = + £9,350
mbn to run shit and pick up 10k. Roll on a good month
[ ] run bad. mbn to be u stumps!
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