Up n down up n down

Hi thought i best make an effort to blog as every one else is and i aint done one for ages. So hopefully will do 1 every month this year.
Anyway started the year with a few ideas with regards to what i wanna do this year during my poker sessions but it didnt take long before i was being frustrated by the game once again. I wanna try to put in some decent grind and have got myself tableninja, but start the year on a big downswing and i dont know if its because im playing to many tables or just the usuall variance that we all go through. I feel like im playing well and just being outdrawn but decide to reduce my tables as the downswing goes into week 2, not really what i want but think its for the best.
I decide to take a couple of days off playing and sort out a holiday for me and my kids to florida , which i get booked up for august, so im happy with myself and I decide to have a couple of live games as i aint ventured into the casinos this year yet so i play £30 freezout , which i donk out of with ak v 88 and play the new £30+£20+£10 where i manage 3rd for £610, happy days.
I return to the virtuall felt feeling good and grind back my losses and end the month with a small but welcoming profit of approx £330, was seriously hard work as i just felt i ran bad the whole month.
Also took part in the npf online ukipt league where i managed to scoop first prize and a seat to nottingham ukip which meant i finished the month on a high with approx £850 combined online/live profit and £560seat to a nice torny in feb.
Looking forward to next months grind and playing a couple of decent live games also , first time at DTD for the ukipt game so hopefully i run good and play well, looking forward to it.
Good luck at the tables.
weeeeeee gl in the ukipt
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