Just A quick tester really as never done any of this blogging before. Thanks to those who left comments on forum and or on TDS post on here. Nice to be welcomed officially to the team and blog and so on. I plan on making some posts but dont want to be one of those who says I will be updating my blog x times to only find they do one post every three months. So in short I will blog as I feel I have something that people may be interested to read, and I guess feedback will help me decide if I need to do more of it.
I suppose its like the forum in general , lurker and reader for a while, and then more and more confidence to go ahead and post. Well been a blog reader and lurker for sometime now and here I am making my very first blog post. Love Keiths comment btw - If I have already secured most long winded poster when a few words would have done, then oh well .... I hope u got to the end of at least some of my posts without nodding off.
A few things I may blog about, razz or mixed games generally, satelites ,180s and other strat stuff. Perhaps a little about a staking and coaching setup I am working within, some live tourney updates. I may even start one of those kind of challenge diaries but am concerned in so far as my point above If theres no posting, then its all a bit pointless, so maybe a little further down the line eh.
For now hello readers, pleased to be on board and a warm thankyou for TD for actually saying you know what welcome to the team fella. Does it have to be pink next year TD ??
hahahahaha love the last line and nowt wrang wi Pink mate
Been obv for while now youve relaxed more and are introoducing the humour side to your convo and posts which is very important. What you can bring now especially to this blog is some techi stuff that alot of people do actually like to read. It may help the rest of us as well to learn abit as most of us are fkn clueless on that side!!!!
p.s. fuck Ridla hes only a daft Sensation
welcome aboard andy, look forward to reading your blogs,
xeno, ( as u can guess i dont know how to use this stuff either)
Thanks guys. Xeno would love to hear how things workout if u do play some sats for da masheen.
I will deffo post some ramblings on strategy and stuff on what and how I am playing. Take it from there.
TD think I looked good in green man, especially that CL jersey. U will need to give me a hand if youve time with some of the posting, as I may want to put the odd picture, graphic in and dont know how to - cheers.
I think you need a Razz subblog to be written by Andy. Oh, actually, all mixed games. Always up for reading about that tbh ;)
welcome along Andy, nice first post :)
Nice first post Andy, welcome to the world of blogging. I personally think you'll write some brilliant articles, improving what is already a great blog. I'm delighted to have went in the tank with Andy, just as he signed a lucrative deal with the ever present TEAMDOBBS. Check out this great insight into Andy "KQ4EVA" Blair over at;
be great to hear some strat on razz etc , andy :)
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