Not quite a Masterful display Dobba

Been a strange last few weeks as my desire to play has been at its lowest for ages. Odd game I have played had couple of minor results in the Circus £50 Saturday game making final table then running AK into AA twice to bust out 9th and then cruising in a G final table with 4 left and ship my sb into BB who asks" Did you say all in" AA thank you and goodnight.
So the arrival of the Coral Masters Tour at Teeside helped in bringing a small twinkle in getting back into it as I decided to play the opening £200 on the Friday and then use a ticket I won on AWOP to take my seat at the main event.
Take Stumpy with me and surprised when theres only 3 down from NPF with me him and Dan Trett. Decent turn out and good tables but never really get going which tbh I didnt really want especially as Stumpy busts early but I do him the favour of grinding away to let him crush the PLO cash tables whilst I get vul late on with 15 left in couple of spots before finally busting 12th with 10 paid when shipping 22 from button into BB AK which hits.
Main event and our car of me Stumpy his son Craig who we call Big Stumpy and a late lift request from Roscopiko make an interesting quartet heading down to the smog. 91 runners and very happy with starting table and chipping away very nice from comfy position until the TD announces next BB please which happens to be me. Im taken over to table 6 which consists of Roscopiko, Big Stumpy, Dan Trett, soon joined by Mark Trett, Lee Danaher and Circus regulars "Icall" and Borat. Well all I can say is this table simply turned into the best ever table Ive been involved in. Fireworks poker, crack and piss taking of the highest calibre and too many amazing and interesting hands it would take a book to put them all down here.
Patience paid off when eventually as my stack was too close to danger zone I get the standard raise from super aggresive Big Stumpy for the cut off to re pop and I ship AK from the BB. 3 way action and AK v AJ & 22 gets there and Im back in game abit. Short time later and 4 way raised pot I make up with 56 in my BB. 66A flop makes it happy days as young lad in sb leads out which I flat the flushing board. Safe turn and as he leads again I ship and then convince him to call off with AQ. Well above average stack now and the fun & frolics are brought to a halt as our table is broke up and Im moved across to be sat between Stumpy and Dave Maudlin with Mark Trett also joining our table. Still fireworks at this table as Teeside regular Rocky Gupta is stacked up big but on his 5th or 6th bottle of wine and absolutely smashed and causing mayhem with his huge bets. He eventually donates these to Mark Trett ignoring Marks 3 bet and Rockies ship is welcomed by the sight of KK.
Enjoying table although not that active till I decide to open with As7s into Marks BB. Flop of 10 9 rag and I cb Marks ck which he calls. Very tasty 8s hits the turn and I get check raised by Mark. I give myself a get out card when I count my stack and elect to just call but wasnt going away if Mark had shipped me. River brings the beautiful 2s giving me the nut flush and Mark announces all in flipping over 88.
Stacked now in a position to be able to get involved more but few orbits later make a decision I may always regret. Mark Trett opens from utg or utg +1 and I 3 bet with QQ with my mind already made up this could be the biggy as I know Mark thinks I often 3 bet him light ( which I do sometimes wink wink ) Back to him and he insta ships. Make crucial error now of over thinking it having Mark narrowed down to such a small range hands with his all in move and knowing how he so much wants back to back wins I decide to fold. Megga big style regret now as winning that hand gives me huge chip lead on a relatively passive table in good position.
Eventually finish day 1 on 69k in about 5th or 6th position and come back to re draw table that I cudnt of picked better myself.
Quiet start for me though very diff for Young Stumpy as he starts how I expected opening anything he can and re raising any sign of weakness. I open mid with 9d9c but as per norm Young Stump 3 bets me from the BB and I decide to peel a flop although in hindsight all things considered its an easy fold at this stage. Flop comes 823 with 2 clubs and I quickly have a brainfart and ship in for Young Stump to think for short time before calling with JJ. No miracle saviour and Im 1st out on day 2 in 18th spot. Never have I so wanted to simply get away but not having my car as came down with Stumpy I go for a walk to try and calm myself down as Im so annoyed with myself. On my return Im joined by Stumpy Senior who has been taken out in harsh circumstances after picking his spot well and we help each other calm down and then rail the 3 lads left in Roscopiko, Mark Trett and Young Stumpy. All 3 make final table before Young Stumpy busts in 6th, Rosco goes in 4th and Mark amazingly gets heads up with the same guy he was up against last year in Dom Mahoney before going out in 2nd place for another amazing result.
Obviously from a personal point of view I was totally gutted more so by my bad decisions that proved crucial again but over the moon for the other lads.

Young Stumpy Craig Newton has an amazing all round game to him and is so difficult for anyone to play against and will have a bright future at it if he can only listen to his dads sensible and helpful approach he is trying to install in him for other life skills. Being young and daft at the moment hopefully will not hinder this.

Roscopiko really impressed me again with his all round game and win win approach and hes got such a good poker brain and simply only needs to control his self destruct button he can from time to time press

As for Mark Trett, well what can you say after another huge result. Played with him most of day 1 and its the most and longest Ive ever been on the same table as him. I also watched him closely on my exit and the lad has a superb approach to it all and best of luck to him with more big results absolutely nailed on certain in the future. Gentleman on and off the table and deserves all the success hes had. If Coral dont offer him another sponsored package I for one will be most surprised considering how hes flew their flag this year with his approach and obviously another year full of results in their tour and leading the money earnings from it.
Finally outside of the weekend and as I write this update its megga well done and good luck to Andy " Brenos" Brennan from the NPF who is one of the nicest and grounded young lads you could meet who has made final table of the English poker Open down in London with a top prize of £230k to the winner. Go get em son and run as well today please as you did yesterday ............ especially with my small % in ya weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Enjoy his end of day interview here and watch out for the obvious mistake!!!!
classic Brenos interviewers clanger
edit: Brenos 5th for £40k weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Brenos exit interview
great write up boss,very entertaining car journeys ftw
GTFO stumpys blog imposter :)
Nice write up as per and don't beat yourself up on the bust out, your right 95% of the time there and you know it.
nice reading boss , some very talented players there.:
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