The New Bush Ipod

Alreet stumpy here,
I was driving into work at 730am on the sunday morning of the final round of the open golf, i had tried to get the day off as its 1 of my favourite sporting events but they couldnt cover my job so im driving along scotswood road and theres a guy with a liverpool top on carrying a bush radio(the big old fashioned ones) on his shoulder and a golf club? now what goes thro the guys mind when he gets up? I will just pop down to the shops for me tabs and sunday sport, i know i will take me radio and its about a 180 yards that will be a 4 iron unless the the 4 iron was to defend against muggers after his bush ipod.
I was driving into work at 730am on the sunday morning of the final round of the open golf, i had tried to get the day off as its 1 of my favourite sporting events but they couldnt cover my job so im driving along scotswood road and theres a guy with a liverpool top on carrying a bush radio(the big old fashioned ones) on his shoulder and a golf club? now what goes thro the guys mind when he gets up? I will just pop down to the shops for me tabs and sunday sport, i know i will take me radio and its about a 180 yards that will be a 4 iron unless the the 4 iron was to defend against muggers after his bush ipod.
I get my break at darlington and im watching oosthuizen walking the open, a couple of darlington drivers come in and say fukin golf its shit blah blah, then one of them says do you know theres more people in scotland killed by golf balls than guns! i say what they loading there shotguns with titliests now?
Only played 3 live mtts in the last couple of weeks the £10 rebuy twice and the circus £20-£20 no cashes ran bad twice and played shit in the other one.
Online finally get to ft on full tilt again in the $33g ko $24 buyin was 4-9 and i raise on the button with qd 10d sb flatted a 1/3 of the chips with a9o flop a dd and i brick.then i reship d/r from utg and he calls with aj and hits i had 66 i finished 8th for $614 plus $28 for the knockouts gutted as over $7k up top.
heres my stats from jan 1st - 9th august 2010
full tilt sngos 1534 +3 $19 12% + $4210 stars 348 -1 $20 -5% -$398
full tilt mtts 453 +3 $15 23% + $1345 stars 689 -2 $17 -15% -$1460
about $1k in rakeback and bonuses
sticking to full tilt as i cant do nothing on stars this year. so currently just under 5k up which means a long way to go to make last years 14k but you never know when the win will come.
keep on smiling, stumpy
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