Another week down

Alreet stumpy here,
After qualifying for circus league playoff I was home within 1 hour. Limped in with KK 4 seen the flop of Q 10 6 2 clubs I bet 300 reraised by George Trett flatted by Jean so I reraised to 2k George tanks and by the way hes sqiurming he hates it but eventually calls and Jean calls. Now I know Im behind but the only hand I can put George on is 106 but would he really limp with 106? He didnt have set as Id seen him reraise with set a few hands earlier so the turn comes 7 no club, I put Jean on Q so I have a decision go allin for 6k as a bluff, 9k in the middle or give up looking back should of give tbh as George hated flop call but did call and he did the same on the turn he hits fh on rvr and im out.
After qualifying for circus league playoff I was home within 1 hour. Limped in with KK 4 seen the flop of Q 10 6 2 clubs I bet 300 reraised by George Trett flatted by Jean so I reraised to 2k George tanks and by the way hes sqiurming he hates it but eventually calls and Jean calls. Now I know Im behind but the only hand I can put George on is 106 but would he really limp with 106? He didnt have set as Id seen him reraise with set a few hands earlier so the turn comes 7 no club, I put Jean on Q so I have a decision go allin for 6k as a bluff, 9k in the middle or give up looking back should of give tbh as George hated flop call but did call and he did the same on the turn he hits fh on rvr and im out.
Friday was at the groves for 20-10-5 game only 8 runnrs started ended up 12 in total shame really as the G trying best to get mtt sched back up and running, anyway ended up chopping hup with Roskopiko for £90 I took 1st place points for league which took me to the top of the league with 1 week 2 go 1st place is a £300 seat for the GUKPT summer series 26th of June
Tuesday night played 20-20 at circus was a real struggle and pushed allin on the bubble with KQ called off 77 hit K on rvr and made ft with 30k Mrs Stumpy finished 8th for £55.Dan Trett raised ep with QQ guy ships allin then Dans dad George ships and Dan calls AA v QQ v KQhh and yes you guessed it KQ wins with flush, live pokers rigged.
I dup with QQ after reshipping Dans raise he had K9 but priced in to call.Then I raise with KQ and Im priced in 2 call ship and Im up against AA no help.We get down to 5 players and Dan in sb raises 16.5k blinds blinds 4k 8k I have QJ cant reraise fold so its allin or call and see a flop, I decide 2 call, flop is AQ5 2hearts Dan cbets which I know hes goin 2 do 100% of the time I reship allin and he calls with 7h2h he bricks fd and Im now 130kish orbit later and Dan ships its 35k more blind 10k so I think Im ahead a lot of times here with QJ plus if I fold here I know Dans never going to stop shipping on me so next time its going to be more. Dan has J2 no 2 and I take Dan out.4 left and then this hand blind on blind sb raises bb calls flop 942 2 clubs sb goes allin 100k bb calls with A8 off sb has A7 of clubs no club and we are down too 3 players where we do a chop for £300 each.
I dup with QQ after reshipping Dans raise he had K9 but priced in to call.Then I raise with KQ and Im priced in 2 call ship and Im up against AA no help.We get down to 5 players and Dan in sb raises 16.5k blinds blinds 4k 8k I have QJ cant reraise fold so its allin or call and see a flop, I decide 2 call, flop is AQ5 2hearts Dan cbets which I know hes goin 2 do 100% of the time I reship allin and he calls with 7h2h he bricks fd and Im now 130kish orbit later and Dan ships its 35k more blind 10k so I think Im ahead a lot of times here with QJ plus if I fold here I know Dans never going to stop shipping on me so next time its going to be more. Dan has J2 no 2 and I take Dan out.4 left and then this hand blind on blind sb raises bb calls flop 942 2 clubs sb goes allin 100k bb calls with A8 off sb has A7 of clubs no club and we are down too 3 players where we do a chop for £300 each.
Online in mtts had some near misses again 13th in superstack when I lost 2 races AJ v 88 then AK v 88 also 9th in another mtt when my KK was no good v AQ. Havent played many mtts as back at work so decided to play a lot of sngos played 53 on Monday and ran soo bad was -$300 then Tuesday 1st hand I play its a 3 way allin on a flop of K10 3 r I have AA v AK v Q5 turn 9 rvr J and I think oh no not again then when my 9th table pops up and Ive regged into $69 instead of $10s nd $24s best misclik of the day as I go on to finish 2nd for $770ish and end up in prof for the 2 days. Going to keep hammering the sngos and hopefully make some $$$$ for Vegas which is coming up very fast and really looking forward to that on my 1st visit.
Good read as always Peter, well played last Tuesday & I hope you have an awesome time out in Vegas. Hope you do a Vegas trip report, as I for one would love to read it.
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