Well aint posted for some time , basically because I had a very quiet March due to a bad run which lasted most of February
So along comes April and im looking for some sort of challenge as im feeling a bit bored of the same old grind, there are a few players doing a bankroll challenge on the "NPF" , however i have done 1 before and the thought of doing it again isn,t that appealing.
Anyway im running ok and make a few final tables at the grosvenor , there are a few regular faces at these FT,s and 1 other guy is a constant ,Graeham Newton,,AKA(super ref)on the NPF.
Anyway he is constantly going on about how he is winning the national league and after a few final tables that we play together he says , ""your doing ok gaz"",, HUH am i,, so i take a look at this league which has been running nearly 2 weeks and sure enough im sitting in 19th place,,BINGO, i have just found my challenge,It is an 8 week affair so there is 6 weeks left and plenty to play for.
I have a reasonable 3rd week and move upto 9th spot , then week 4 is just as good and i again progress, moving upto 4th spot, week 5 see,s me move upto 2nd and a great run in week 6 takes me into a commanding lead at the top.
Then comes the un-timely interferance of the GUKPT festival, every1 is looking forward to this however it is not the best timing for me for a no. of reasons .Mainly as i will only be playing 1 event which allows all my opponents a full week of games to either catch or overtake me going into the last week of the league.
Sure enough the top of the league becomes congested , but some how i have still managed to maintain top spot , so its into the final week with all to play for.
The week starts well and by Friday im looking good for the win but there is still a possibility that i can be beaten, so i decide to take saturday of work and go play what will be my final game of the league , hoping to reach the Final Table.
Anyway i get there and cement my top spot with a 5th place finish for my 5th final table out of 5 for the week.
Thoroughly enjoyed taking part in this league ,even though ,it was by accident that i ended up taking it seriously and it has been well worth it .
So now i have a NATIONAL LEAGUE TITAL to my name and I am chuffed to bits especially at the prizes which are
I hope my good fortune continues for these to major events ""2 TIMES BABY""
So along comes April and im looking for some sort of challenge as im feeling a bit bored of the same old grind, there are a few players doing a bankroll challenge on the "NPF" , however i have done 1 before and the thought of doing it again isn,t that appealing.
Anyway im running ok and make a few final tables at the grosvenor , there are a few regular faces at these FT,s and 1 other guy is a constant ,Graeham Newton,,AKA(super ref)on the NPF.
Anyway he is constantly going on about how he is winning the national league and after a few final tables that we play together he says , ""your doing ok gaz"",, HUH am i,, so i take a look at this league which has been running nearly 2 weeks and sure enough im sitting in 19th place,,BINGO, i have just found my challenge,It is an 8 week affair so there is 6 weeks left and plenty to play for.
I have a reasonable 3rd week and move upto 9th spot , then week 4 is just as good and i again progress, moving upto 4th spot, week 5 see,s me move upto 2nd and a great run in week 6 takes me into a commanding lead at the top.
Then comes the un-timely interferance of the GUKPT festival, every1 is looking forward to this however it is not the best timing for me for a no. of reasons .Mainly as i will only be playing 1 event which allows all my opponents a full week of games to either catch or overtake me going into the last week of the league.
Sure enough the top of the league becomes congested , but some how i have still managed to maintain top spot , so its into the final week with all to play for.
The week starts well and by Friday im looking good for the win but there is still a possibility that i can be beaten, so i decide to take saturday of work and go play what will be my final game of the league , hoping to reach the Final Table.
Anyway i get there and cement my top spot with a 5th place finish for my 5th final table out of 5 for the week.
Thoroughly enjoyed taking part in this league ,even though ,it was by accident that i ended up taking it seriously and it has been well worth it .
So now i have a NATIONAL LEAGUE TITAL to my name and I am chuffed to bits especially at the prizes which are
a £3000 seat in the GUKPT Grand Final Event
a seat in the GUKPT Champion of Champions Event.
I hope my good fortune continues for these to major events ""2 TIMES BABY""