Tuesday night at Circus
Alright peoples its been a while since i posted anything but i have been having serious motivational problems as i have been finding poker is really boring me lately and instead of looking forward to it i am having to force myself to go.
So anyways i normally play for a snooker team on a tuesday and if i am playing poker i play first and then head off but tonight when i went(real hassle to get my cue and head back over to the club) i get told if i am not staying till the end then i cant play so more hassle as i head back to other club to drop off my cue and foot down to the circus where its a £30 d/chance freezeout 7k with an additional 1k if you are there at the start.
Now for the past few weeks i have decided to gamble with my first lot and then tighten up with the 2nd lot but after going out early in every 1 i decide to play tight aggressive from the start,now i wont bore you with the details but i only played 2 hands before the break 1 which i won uncontested and the other where i showed down quad Queens so i would like to think my table image was pretty well set.....and in most cases it would but alas to my left is the well known moaning lady player whose name i cant remember who got all her chips by pushing her last lot 3.5k all in to a pot of 600 with A9 off on a board off q92 2 spades and being called by A2spades and q 10 and spiking the A on turn and it was a good 15 minutes before she stopped ranting nonesense still tilting because her QQ got beat by KK when after a raise,reraise,reraise and a flopped A all the money still went in all tho i think the wine did help(the drink not the moan)
3(conservative estimate) large wines later and i wake up with AA utg blinds 200/400 so i pop it up to 800 just letting everybody know its a monster because i really really dont want action but Christine(ooops) reraises to 3k and everybody else gets out the way so i smooth call and check the lovely flop of 1055,Christine pushes i call my last 8k and she flips her JJ now under normal circumstances i am reaaly happy that i am about to double up but and i know everybody gets them and there part of the game but so far in 2009 i have had so many bad beats that i dont feel comfortable with 80/20's and i positively pap myself with 70/30's so anyways the valet just happens to turn up and goes to give me my drink but i say dont bother am going home barely finishing the sentence and the J hits the river and to be perfectly honest i really was expecting it and it didnt help that the last time i was on Mrs. Mcdonalds table she said that all taxi drivers were thick so for all the religious out there dont wait to long on god answering your prayers!
Good luck at the tables and am sure i will see you all at the team game at Grosvenor
Jimmy Shitmunk
ul mate, perhaps you should have spiked her with your cue!!!
she soon spewed the fkrs off mate as you knew she would
buy her a new rubix cube for Xmas with some squares missing!!
ul mr chipmunk , glad i wasnt there her constant screeching drives me mad.
save it for the team game m8 , your plays are great , just shit luck m8.
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