Back on the podium

Plans for weeks have been not playing much live and hardly any online but had always had pecilled in the Coral Masters Edinburgh leg with Stumpy followed by the NPF Championship to defend my crown.
I play a few online sats to try and get in cheap but although I get a regular flow of sat wins into the $80 final on the cheap I simply cant get past the winning line in the final. Closest being is losing hups for a $1125 package. Get hups 3/1 dog but edge in front just before a break. Simply cant hit any flop after that and any decent hand I pick up the oppo folds and eventually he takes me out after I bluff into his full house made on the turn lolololol.
Eventually come Friday I simply cant be arsed to travel up more so by how Im feeling about actually playing poker and as such tell Stumpy in true Dragins Den style " Im out!" Missing the fun aspect and after chatting with Stumpy we decide to have a Friday night Dobba Corona neet and off we go to Aspers for their weekly 100 plus runner £20 F/O.
Place is absolutely rocking full and around 120 runners take their seats. My table consists of some regular young "pro" type lads who non stop talk the poker talk and I decide to deal due to seat one guy being totally useless. Keeps me focused and in non donk chip mode. I settle in and listen to the drone about various poker heroes etc etc and some classic replies from an elderly lady name of Joan who tells the young pros how lucky and bad one of their heroes is ( Jake Cody) which had me chuckling away inside more so at the way she delivered it.
Always low stacked but Im amazed at how quick the field is whittled down and its not long till theres only 30 odd left when I get table moved. Soon as I move I get a double up and even pick up extra chips when making up in the sb with 53 and making set of 3 s for decent pot. Get moved back to starting table and few orbits later get moved again with 3 tables left. The game is simply ship or fold now with most stacks very similar although you still find loads who wanna limp in and fold tyvm.
Make final table with about 12 bbs which is average enough and only really one more stack of any major significance.
1st few go reasonably quickly and I find some good spots to pick up decent pots un contested by shipping over raises to build up healthy stack. Pick up AQ in BB and guy who hadnt played a hand shoves in his last 5 bbs but my call see me not improve v his KK. Few orbits later with 2 limpers and I ship button AJ for Mr KK who is directly on my left now to snap call me off. Ffks I declare I must be miles behind but he flips over KQcc and I start having laff about it with him and start cuddling him taking the piss ( 8 bottles does that to ya!!!!) Flop comes A10J OMF FML ******
Turn JACK weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and Im back in game big style as my house takes him down. Yo yo up n down abit trying to take it down or at least get heads up with NPF er George Lawson as hes the only decent player left and only one I wanna really do any deal with but with 4 left and all much very level we eventually agree a level chop for over £400 each
Stumpy clears over £300 on PLO even though he lost 2 pots worth over £1k each to river and my lucky charm railer Mrs Stumpy drops me off home around 4.30 am zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Arsenal win gets me heads up in NPF footy knockout so maybe my run good juice is just starting to run in time nicely for next weekends NPF Championship
edit. Quick mention for Mark Trett of Full Trett Poker who took down the £200 side event at Edinburgh to go clear at top of tour money list and imo he should at least get a sponsership deal renewal on the basis of how well he has promoted Coral Poker and his tour results alone this year. Massive well done mate to a real quality lad who has a huge win deffo in him if given the chance in one of the bigger tournies