Canny week from Chopper

Alrit Stumpy here!
The last few weeks have been very interesting in poker.
Online grind I was only $80 up which Ive put down to playing more MTT`S than usual, I have been getting decent stacks but I now go for big cash so Ive bombed out going for the win for small cashes.Ive also been following the lads in $500 -$1500 challenge which has distracted me. (it just shows you how a little thing like that can affect the grind) luckily got into a nice 5kEuro freeroll on interpoker with only 64 runners and finished 3rd winning $1065 wee i luv free money!
Live, I went to Aspers on Friday night, had a few coronas and finished 8th for £130 but also split a 20 man last longer bet for a further £70.
Tuesday night £30 FO I did a four way split for £345 ,plus Mrs Stumpy finished 5th £130, which hopefully sees her place in the league final at circus. I think I will need another final table to make final.
A great hand from Tuesday night was raise pre call flop KJ4 allin on flop JJ v K10 turn K river K Live pokers rigged.
A quick story from the last £50 game Carlo Citrone gets moved to the table and theres 4 limpers and he limps, I have a look round the table and he must see Im thinking of raising and he says "i dare you" I said "I Might" He said " I will give you £50 if you push allin", I insta push alin and they all fold. "Have i got to give you £50?"2Of course" so he passes me £50 note then he says "wow I didnt think you would take it," so I say "oh ok then", then offer it back to him thinking he will say no a bets a bet. Fuck me it was back in his pocket faster than Usain Bolt. I saw him later and say "If you get to final table Iwant it back", he says "ok", weee he final tabled. Next time i see him the question is "will he give it to me?"
Friday nite is Aspers corona nite, the idea of the nite is to enjoy the poker with a few bottles of my fav drink corona, last friday there was a big NPF turnout and it was a good laugh.
The highlight of the night was teamdobbs fast asleep on the table next to the final table, then waking up and shouted "go on Phill go on Stumpy" then he comes and sits next to me and Phil Mc whos return to live poker was a quick success, nice one Phil WP. The story of my nite was ran Ak into AA early on a flop of K43 which left me 1800 out of 4k stack, nursed it back to 6k then won a race AK v 1010 v young liam who I always run good against. Now things get a bit sketchy as the corona kicks in, I remember doubling up 44 vA5 then taking the same player out AQvA7. On the final table double up AAvQQ and then suggested chop with 5 left £460 each and 1 allin hand so the winner got £480 I scooped that also split a last longer bet which was quite funny, please read teamdobbs post for details.
Keep on Smiling