Well lets start off with with the news that Rob Taxi Taylor won the Grosvenor league play off final for the 2nd time running. He gets stick, especially from me, but as my new signature shows on the forum, I do now have a new found respect for him. To win again proves he has a top quality game and my sincere congrats go out to him. Teamdobbers Rr E and Card Guard(me) went out in 11th , and 10th both being knocked out by eventual 2nd place finisher Mr Gary Brewer. a top bloke and a well deserved runner up.
My personal congrats go to Mrs Card Guard for winning the actual league and proving to be the most consistant player over the period it was run. She won the 1st tourney of the league and was top the whole way through and she is very very proud of the trophy that now sits proudly on the sideboard where my card guards used to live!!!!!!!!
On the poker front an average month for me, few final tables, 2 tourney wins and numerous on line cashes in Stars 50k tournies, but still looking for the big hit to move me forward. Probably showing £300 profit on poker for the month but as most of you will know I am a heavy gambler on football, rugby and horses and in fact these are only events I keep gambling records on.
For August I have shown a very healthy profit of £9500 from these events and I have also been lucky enough to hit the roulette tables hard this month having 5 sessions of coming off £1000 up and one of these was £2500 up. So all in all a great month gambling and Mrs Card Guard now has new wardrobe full of clothes!!!!.
As a footnote I do lot of research and studying into my football and rugby bets, and get info on horses from a guy who does same, so if any one requests I can post on here my tips for the football and rugby on a Friday and if people give me their mobiles / emails I can forward on my racing info - just let me know.
Now on to life in general. weather is fucking shit, giving up cricket this year in place of water ski-ing!!!. Very busy at work and am now 3 months behind must be something to do with MSN and nearly 2000 posts on a certain poker forum.
Am pleased Spiller is guesting for a month he is a nice kid but have to say the picture of him on here makes him look about 12 years old, so just watch out for the site being hi jacked by Gary Glitter!!!.
Mr E posted some things he disliked here are a few of mine:
1, Pro tennis players being allowed to play in the olympics, then playing as if they dont wanna be there - and yes Andy Murray is Scottish and not the new ' henman'
2, A Q always beating A K on pokerstars(cost me few thousand dollars last week)
3, Teamdobb not getting Monika and Dionne to model the new forum gear but instead using some back door Dierdre
4, Half buttered ham sandwiches in brown bread
5, Christine wanting to sue us for compairing her to Beelzebub - should be the other way round expect a writ from the devil anyday
6, Phil Mcnally not drinking. Not seeing him with a bud in his hand for the last week has made me question did I wake up last Monday in a parallel universe???
7, Nee craics wanting to cause arguements on the forum over football!!! ffs its 22 men kicking a cow skin full of air up and down ffs grow up!!!!!!!!!!
8, and lastly my major hate of the month..................................... BARRY SMITH. this pathetic lowlife, guttersnape, slimeball, misfit, mother fucker, arse wipe, and cunt faced man has tried to lie, mis quote and generally get Mr E, Mrs E, me and Mrs CG into trouble and for this I will reak a terrible vengance on this treacherous sole. He is gonna feel the full blast of a Card Guard gob full the next time I see him.
OK will post on a more regular basis from now on and will leave you with this burning - Who the fuck is Paisley Bob???????